Your Image

want to be an author but don't know where to start?

you are an author and want to know how to get around the fact that Amazon pays you 3 months later, pays a tiny 30% royalty and does not tell you who bought your book?

you are an author with a publishing contract and are fed up with the publishers taking 95% of the income your work generates?

are fed up with your work being edited, or worse, censored?

want to know how giving your work away for free can triple your income from your work?

want to know how to create multiple products from your book and create a back-end income that far, far outweighs the revenue from book sales alone?

want to know why all of the above is important to get your message out to 1000x more people?

Course Syllabus:

Introduction to the course and what to expect

Why we created the course

What we will be covering -

Book Creation Process

Creating products from your book

Creating your profile and becoming the expert

Using your book to market your products

Getting Affiliates to market your book and your products

Traditional publishing vs self-publishing pros and cons

Amazon pros and cons
Late payments

What is a hybrid publisher and why you should avoid them

Hybrid publishing scams

Getting into actual bookshops

Publishing Monopolies in your Country

What is your book going to be about?

· What am I going to write?

· Who am I writing for?

· How to connect to the consciousness of the book

· Things to keep in mind

o Must you really only write about what you know?

o Has someone else written the same book?

o Why should I read your book??

· Research, plotting and planning

· Who is your main market competition? Have you read what they are saying? How can you be different to them?

· Are you using Ai? How does this impact your market performance?

o Restrictions on Ai in KDP

How and why to create other versions of the book

- Audiobook

- Workbooks

- Video

- Transcribing

- Extra products

- Valuing the product

- Creating a lobster pot (7 page ebook)

- Is there a back end?

Writing the Book

· How to structure the book

· How to create a powerful title

· How to write it QUICKLY

- Speed writing

- Video recording

- Speak it out over audio

- Use of AI tools for transcription

· The voice of your book

- What voice are you going to use – who is your audience?

· How to deal with imposter syndrome / writers block

Editing the book

· Importance of an editor

· How to work with an editor

· Finding an editor

· What is a content edit?

· Putting in your sources as footnotes

· How many edits do I need?

- Grammatical edit

- Proofreading edit

- Index and tables, footnotes edit

- Continuity edit (creating an atlas of style)

Working with images/graphs

· Do you need to hire an illustrator?

- NOTE: Full colour books cost more to print

· Ai Images must have copyright/ai labels which can affect the performance of your book

· Using images/figures as reference in your book:

- Pictures

- Drawings

· Graphs

- Draw them yourself or reference existing graphs?

- Copyright/permissions required?

Designing your book

· What size book do you want? Decide this first

Font size is important when it comes to size

· Standing out from the crowd – make an atlas of style for your book or have someone do it for you – continuity required with the fonts on the cover

· Paperback vs Digital version

· Are you going to format it yourself or hire someone?

- Advantages and disadvantages of both

· What software are you going to use?

- High end – InDesign, Vellum

- Cheaper versions – Do it in Word

· Formatting issues

- Font Choices

- Headings, sections and chapters

- Margins, gutters and bleed

- Headers and footers

Making the book cover

· Continuity with the interior – need the Atlas of style for the cover too

· Hire a designer/do a competition on 99designs/make it yourself on CANVA

· To use Ai or not to use Ai

· Design of the cover can make or break the book

· Blurb on the back cover

· Resizing the Cover – Spine is different with different publishing platforms

- If you’re hiring someone to make the cover and the spine width changes you will need them to revise the cover and it could cost more

· Getting the barcode or making one ISBN13 Barcode requirements

· Book cover thumbnail for eBook version

Your Author Profile

Who are you and why are you the expert?

Elevator pitch your book
Platforming yourself

Author website - do you need it?

Goodreads profile

Amazon author page

Blogging - should you do it?

Social media - putting yourself out there as the expert

Where are your people? Linkedin, Facebook, Telegram, etc?

Photos and media of you

Photos and media of your work

Making shorts/reels/tik toks to get traction on social media

Relationship marketing - commenting as you on other people’s pages/posts

Listing the book

· Where are you going to publish? What are the typical listings there?

· How to write a blurb for your book listing

· Finding the right Category

· Finding keywords for your book


· ISBN Number vs ASIN what is the difference??

Nielsen Title editor - why bother?

· Book size, paper type, binding and finish

· Creating a digital product

- Kindle version


- Paperback/Hardback

· Using KDP vs Ingram Spark

· Who else can I publish with?

- Apple books

- Kobo

- Barnes and noble

- Draft 2 Digital

· POD Web integrations – they buy on your website and POD company ships the book out – pros and cons

- Bookvault

- Lulu

· POD and ship signed books from home?


- Buy author copies from Amazon

- Find a local printer and others like them in UK and in USA makes it easy

Pre-publication Jobs

· Working with Beta Readers and Critique Partners

· Getting early reviews up on Goodreads

· Quotes from trusted sources to use on your cover

Do you do a blog tour and pay people to promote you?

· Testimonials for inside the book

Reviewing your proof copies

· Digital proof

· Author proof copies

Book Launching Strategies

· Book launch party – IRL or online?

- Pro’s and cons of both

· Giveaways

· Cover reveals

· Unboxing of first copies

· Sending to influencers

· Price promotions

· Podcasts

- Do your own podcast and read the first chapter of your book

- Go on other people’s podcasts

Filming video

- high end options

- Budget options

Writing a sales page -


Email collection

Creating and promoting a Lobster pot -

Watch us as we create a 7 page ebook around our book

Create a sales page to sell our ebook and create leads to all our other products from the ebook

Marketing your sales page -

- Marketing on Podcasts

- Marketing on X

- Marketing on YT

- Marketing on Instagram

- Scheduler - marketing tools

Affiliates - What they are and why you should get some

Keep it going! - if your book is not being talked about then nobody is buying it

How is This Course Delivered?

First three LIVE classes are on 15th, 22nd and 29th October. Further dates will be confirmed as we make the course. These will be at 7pm British Time (2pm EST). Please check your own timezones

All classes will be recorded and placed inside a Samcart Members Area for you to access anytime

When you register today, you will be emailed a link for a private telegram group where you can interact with us and other attendees.

Registration is open throughout the duration of the course - you can join the live sessions at any time when they are on or, if you join after the live sessions are finished, you will always have access to the full recordings and supporting materials.




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