Here’s How to Make Sure You Are

Fully Protected During Times of

Spiritual Warfare (i.e. Now!)

Janine Morigeau (Tarot by Janine)

It's literally a guide book for lightworkers and truth seekers on how to navigate the world right now!

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A personal message from co-author of "Weapons of Mass Protection: Practical Tools for Spiritual Warfare" Mark Attwood…

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It really started when COVID hit – millions of us FELT and KNEW that we were in the climax of the greatest Spiritual War in known history.

This is why so many people felt so isolated and alone during the past four years.

Lockdowns, social distancing and mass media propaganda were all DESIGNED to keep us that way.

This is why it is so important to learn how to fully protect yourself from the forces of darkness that have had dominion over this Earth for so long.

As it says in Ephesians 6:10-18:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,

against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,

against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

This is my video version of The Armour of God which I originally released in 2020:

Whatever level of spiritual development you may be at, we can all agree that having a Practical Toolkit for defending ourselves against these “principalities” has to be a good idea, right?

My very first memory on this Earth is of Demons trying to recruit me in my bedroom as a young boy in 1973.

This memory came back to me in 2020 (I go into full details in the book) when I finally realised that not only had I been under demonic attack my entire life, but so had everyone else on the planet!

I had a full life review that year where it became clear that ALL of my life experiences had led me to that point, and God called upon me to start a podcast to help others through this period of darkness.

This happened after I had reached my lowest, suicidal, point in my life in 2017.

I started The Mark Attwood Show: Adventures in a Cosmic Suit and, through thousands of hours of interviews, poetry, Dad-jokes and films: I found my life’s purpose.

I orginally called it Adventures in a Meat Suit because we are spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around: ghosts in meat suits :-)

I didn’t get everything right because I was a flawed human being (still am) and because information was only being released to me from the spirit world as was necessary for my own development.

BUT, on this journey I met many tens of thousands of others who were at various stages of spiritual awakening to the times we find ourselves in.

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I covered all sorts of subjects all relating to us taking back our individual sovereignty in terms of our health, our wealth, our thoughts, our emotions and our spirituality.

REAL spirituality – not the limited hangouts created by Religion, the New Age or the Cults that were/are popping up everywhere.

In the midst of this, the attacks moved up a number of gears.

Because I had stuck my head above the parapet during 2020 and called out the lies I was seeing all around me, I was being constantly abused, including some of the following experiences:

A demon on my back so heavy I had to crawl up the stairs

The fuel lines on my car being cut (I and two of my children were only saved by an angel driving a white van and telling me that fuel was gushing out of the back of my car)

Covens of witches attacking me in my dream state nightly

Friends and family shunning and attacking me (something a lot of us relate to)

The usual tribe of troll and shills online undermining everything I ever posted and hurling abuse at me

Losing 90,000 subscribers when two YouTube channels were closed without warning

Waking up daily feeling like I’d been 9 rounds with Mike Tyson

Being regularly infiltrated and sabotaged by people purporting to “help me out” and by some of the guests on my show

Other online accounts like Paypal, Linktree, Facebook, Instagram just being closed down without warning or reason

It was a daily struggle to deal with all this whilst also desperately trying to protect my 5 children from the mandates and brainwashing being thrown at them.

On top of this, I was being propelled to keep making educational content, to keep trying to make people laugh, to share my Apocaloptimism with the world.

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I didn’t really understand why I was compelled to do this until I went on tour across the United States in 2022 as part of the Truth Tour 2, when I met 10,000+ people who told me I’d either “got them through” or literally saved their lives.

It was very humbling.

I made a film about that tour called “Where You Attwood? Truth Across America”. This is the trailer:

But I started to realise that because of these attacks, I was actually getting STRONGER.

In fact, we were all being tempered like steel in the fire.

I also realised that I had always being given and was still receiving enormous HELP on this journey...

I remembered how a man called Jim Robertson had appeared in my life in 2010 and spent months teaching me about divine protection. How he’d been taking me out on excursions to develop my psychic and intuitive abilities back before I really understood why.

I realised that so many of the guests on my show were powerful angels, guides and healers, in human form, and I was learning so much from them, not just my audience.

I’d been visited by a large, burnt-orange coloured, triangular UFO covered in hieroglyphics on top of the thousands of UFO sightings I'd experienced throughout my life (as an ex-pilot, I know the difference!)

I’d seen a dragon made of light fly over mine and my friends head, silently flapping its wings.

I’d had powerful visions of a Minotaur and a huge Golden Lion: more real than anything I’ve seen in this reality we call life.

I’d discovered that I am actually claircognizant.

There was SO MUCH TO BE GRATEFUL FOR despite witnessing billions of people fall for the biggest psychological operation in history and volunteer to be injected with a lethal bioweapon.

I started my early shows by exclaiming “I’m just a bloke in a kitchen”, and I was, but it was becoming clear to me that there was more to this whole thing than just the truth about what most people thought were “Conspiracy Theories”.

Throughout 2020-2023, I was also channelling poems and making videos like these that got millions of views:

And, here’s the legendary Dr Christiane Northrup reading one of my poems:

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...which led to me producing a huge illustrated poetry book which sold in the 1000s across the world, called “God Wins”

Here I am showing it to Eric Trump...

Here are just a handful of the many 5-star reviews this book has got...

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Despite losing most of my friends because of my stance on COVID, I also realised I was making some amazing new friends, new soulmates.

One of those people is Abby Wynne.

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Abby is an amazing spiritual teacher, best-selling author and healer based in the same country as me: Ireland.

She's written a lot of great books with a lot of 5-star reviews!

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We first met when I interviewed her for my channel and discussed Soul Retrievals:

She also joined me as a healer for “Mark’s Cosmic Retreat” in the Sahara Desert, Morocco in 2022.

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And on stage at my first sell-out live show in 2022 at Manchester Monastary:

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Then, one day in October 2023, we were talking on the phone and she said something along the lines of:

“Listen, people are really suffering. They need to learn how to do spiritual protection properly. Do you want to write a book about it with me?”

I immediately said yes.

That’s how the 225-page “Weapons of Mass Protection: Practical Tools for Spiritual Warfare” book was conceived, and we want you to gift you the Ebook version today for FREE (or, pay what you want for it).

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How This Book Can Make You an Impenetrable Spiritual Warrior Today!

In this book Abby and I both share candid and poignant moments of our lives when we were touched by darkness and demonic forces, along with how we overcame those situations.

It’s an open and friendly conversation, yet it is filled with depth and wisdom.

We have been working with energy for over 50 years combined, and we bring much learning to the fore.

In the book, we hope to leave no stone unturned, covering topics including:

Are demons real?

How to recognise when you’re being psychically attacked and what to do about it

Ascension – What is it?

The good guys, who are they?

The toxins in the environment that are making you weak, and what you can do about it to turn things around

Why you must identify your weaknesses, and then work with them, and not against yourself

How to become the master of your thoughts

The Armour of God – what it is, and why you need it

Tools to protect yourself and why you need them

The importance of having a daily spiritual workout

The greatest truth of all

Here’s Exactly What You Will Discover in

“Weapons of Mass Protection”…

How to make your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body stronger so that you can stay strong and centred, no matter what is going on around you

How to protect yourself from dark energies so that you can stay aligned with your own mission on Earth

How to take your power back from situations, places and people so that you are never disempowered again

How to clear your energy field, cut cords and strengthen your energetic boundaries so that you can fulfil your highest potential

How to become the master of your thoughts and clear malevolent thought forms from your energy field so that you can manifest the future you truly desire

How to release habits that are hurting you and embrace new, empowering ones so that you can become the very best version of yourself.

If you have ever felt the presence of something dark or demonic around you or beside you, this book will validate your experience and help you move forward into a life filled with light AND strength, so you can become the sovereign being you were destined to be.

Above all, we offer you structure and guidance to navigate the waters of spiritual sovereignty and protection.

Here’s Exactly What You’re About to Get Your Hands On…

We made the pragmatic decision to make the paperback version "print-on-demand" simply because it is the only way to get this into the hands of anyone that wants it worldwide for minimum postal costs.

You cannot get the printed book from this page today, but we will send you global links to get this if you want when you claim the ebook below.

BUT this page is the only place you can get the accompanying materials to help accelerate your progress TODAY when you claim your free e-book version.

Our book is a great, easy-to-read foundation, but to help you absorb this information and practise your own protection work, we have produced lots of video, audio and PDF workbooks for you which you can ONLY get on this page here today.

We’ve even set up a monthly “Mass Protection Club” zoom meeting with me and Abby where you can access us directly, ask questions, share your stories and learn new techniques!

So, this is exactly what's available exclusively here today:

#1: Weapons of Mass Protection – the e-Book VALUE: Priceless

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229 pages – Pay What You Want! (FREE if you want!)

Yes, you read that right!

You can choose the eBook today for €0.00 or make a donation for whatever you want/can afford.

ALL the supporting material is completely optional.

Why are we prepared to GIVE AWAY our book when we’ve put so much work into it?

Simple – we want to help as many people as possible and we don’t want money to be a reason NOT to get it.

#2: Weapons of Mass Protection – the Audiobook VALUE: $49

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Narrated by Mark Attwood, Abby Wynne and Jayne Deasy.

The audiobook is NOT available anywhere else but here.

You can listen to the conversation between Abby and myself while you’re driving, doing the housework, going for a walk, in the gym – anywhere!

We know that many of you love to learn by LISTENING as well as reading, which is why we recorded this especially for you.

This book is designed to be listened to on repeat, as it works through the layers of your energy field, helping you strengthen the aspects of you that have been bombarded by darkness, so you can reclaim these parts of yourself, and become the sovereign being that you were born to be.

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#3: Weapons of Mass Protection – PDF Guidebook VALUE: $50

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27 Page of Notes!

Throughout the book, Abby and I refer to many other books, websites, videos, and areas where more research may be warranted.

In this downloadable PDF Guidebook you will receive:

- ALL of the footnotes from the book in one place, with clickable links, so that you can use it as a jumping off point for your own work.

- Unique illustrations by Abby’s daughter, Megan Wynne, which clarify some of the more complex subjects such as energetic entanglements, exercises and visualisations, to help visual learners absorb the material.

- A list of free meditations and workshops from Abby to complement the work of the book – including a free affirmations workshop, and several healing meditations, to support you on your healing journey as you move to the sovereign being that you were born to be.

#4: Weapons of Mass Protection – Downloadable PDF Workbook VALUE: $97

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A 75-Page downloadable PDF Workbook – Essential to get the most out of the book!

To be spiritually fit you must not only have a good relationship with yourself, but you must also know yourself, and know your weaknesses. Abby created this workbook to give you an opportunity do the most difficult work of all – face yourself.

Nobody said it would be easy! This workbook will meet you where you are, and guide you to a deeper level of understanding, so you can support yourself, and reach a higher level of attainment on your spiritual path.

Based on Weapons of Mass Protection, this workbook has 75 pages of exercises, journalling prompts and reflections. It should keep you busy for a while!

If you're serious about protecting yourself from psychic attack and dark energies, this workbook will help you travel deeper into the labyrinth of your own psyche, so you can excavate what you no longer need, and reclaim your power and strength.

The ghosts of your ancestors will be cheering you on as you break old patterns, let go of your inner saboteur, strengthen your energetic boundaries and become the sovereign being that is your birthright.

#5: Weapons of Mass Protection – The Videos VALUE: $297

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Join me and Abby for the original conversation that the book, "Weapons of Mass Protection", was based on.

Over 6 hours of professionally recorded video!

You will literally step into my living room and enjoy the banter and the dynamics of our chat as we draw from our own experiences.

If you are a visual learner, you’ll love these videos.

We will send you a link and a special password to view these in your email reciept if you purchase them.

#6: Weapons of Mass Protection – Guided Meditation Healings VALUE: $40

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In these 4 bonus audio files Abby brings you a healing experience through her voice and intention.

She talks you through several of the most important spiritual exercises in the book so that you can be clear on how to do these exercises for yourself. You also have the bonus of receiving healing through her voice.

You will learn:

• How to remove psychic viruses so you can reach a deeper level of peace in both your body and your mind

• How to cut energetic Cords between you and a person you feel is taking your energy

• How take your power back from a person,

• How to retrieve a soul piece across space and time

• How to strengthen your auric field with the Golden Egg exercise

• How to call in the power of your will with the Golden Spine exercise

These exercises get stronger on repeat, with the intention that you will be able to do them for yourself at anytime, anywhere, whenever you feel you need to.

#7: The “Mass Protection Club” – Monthly Webinars with me and Abby VALUE: $180

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If you have been affected by any of the things discussed in our book, then we:

Invite you to join a monthly webinar with LIVE and DIRECT access to us and our guests

You can share your stopries and listen to others stories and expereiences (very healing)

We will share our most up-to-date information

We will bring in global experts to share their most powerful protection strategies

You'll get access to a private Telegram Group where you can meet other like-minded souls

The link to join the Telegram group and the webinar link (and dates) will be in the email you recieve after purchase.

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Here's Why Abby and I Have Spent $10,000s To Learn These Skills and Dedicated Our Lives To This Work

We tried to add up the amounts we've spent between us on healers, courses, books and seminars on our own journies, but it was impossible to quantify it!

What we do know is this: we've both spent $10,000s on our own development over the years, and there's a reason we've been called to do the work we are doing.

We have put all this material together with the intention that ALL of it would cost LESS than just ONE healing session from a reputable spiritual healer (you can see the discounted prices below).

Our mission is to EMPOWER YOU by gathering as much of our combined wisdom together as possible in as many formats as possible.

This Spiritual War is an EVOLVING JOURNEY and we hope you can join us on it.

They tried to divide us and they failed: TOGETHER we are more powerful than most of us know.

We have worked hard to make this a world-class product and we know you'll love it, whatever level you decide to engage with us at.

So much so, that we are offering a 90-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

If you're not delghted with what you purchase from this page today, just let us know within 90 days and email us with your reciept for a no-questions-asked full refund to

We'll let you keep everything you've ordered as an apology for wasting your time.

(Note, this guarantee does NOT apply to the print-on-demand version of the book).

Think About This...

You clicked on this page because you understand that we are under spiritual attack.

Most likely, you have suffered, as we all have, from negative energy affecting your life?

Like us, you have probably paid multiple healers $100s if not $1000s (in my case, $10,000s) to help solve your problems over the years?

The value of what we are offering here is PRICELESS.

Abby herself charges clients €180 an hour (she's undercharging, believe me!) for her Spiritual Healing services.

Do you really want to continue as you are?

Take action today and get what we're offering here - you don't need me to tell you this is much more than just a book.

It's a genuinely huge package of information and practical advice from two people who've spent most of their lives fighting this evil.

We don't have ALL the answers, but what we've put together here will undoubtably help YOU - right now - suit-up for the rest of this war.

So, don't delay - take action right now.

We've given you a 90-day Guarantee, so there is NOTHING to lose.

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Reviews for "Weapons of Mass Protection":

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Can I Get The Printed Book On This Page?

No. We tried hard to make the actual book available here but it was impossible due to logistics and print prices across the world. We will send you all the links for the paperback itself when you claim the ebook today.

How Will I Receive My Products?

All the products on this page are digital. You will receive an download link for each product you order within minutes of ordering!

Is the eBook Really Free?

We have set the price for the eBook as "Name Your Price", which means you choose how much you pay for it. If you decide you want it for free, you can! We don't police this - it's priced this way to make sure nobody misses out. What you decide to pay is entirely between you and your own conscience!

Who Are 104 Publishing?

Abby and I decided to start a publishing company called 104 Publishing to publish this book. We are dedicated to helping authors that seek and tell the TRUTH get out to a wider audience.

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What You Should Do Next...

It's easy - just enter your Name and Email, then your card or Paypal details below, choose which of our amazing add-ons you want, then sit back and wait a few moments for the download page to arrive in your inbox,

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WMP AudioBook

Weapons of Mass Protection AudioBook

Narrated by Mark Attwood, Abby Wynne and Jayne Deasy, you can listen to the whole book on the go anytime!
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WMP Guidebook

Weapons of Mass Protection Guidebook

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WMP Workbook

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Weapons of Mass Protection - The Videos

Weapons of Mass Protection - The Videos

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